

The gentle, minimally invasive treatment requires just one or two sticks for a treatment.
Minimal downtime
Most often, people can go back to doing many activities the very same day as treatment.
Fast Procedures
The gentle, minimally invasive treatment requires just one or two sticks for a treatment.
Short treatment process
Most people only need one treatment to see results. In Varithena pivotal trials, only 3.4% of patients needed to re-treat an area included in the initial treatment session.1
Insurance coverage
Insurance carriers may cover treatment. Coverage may depend on the severity of the varicose veins and symptoms. Your physician’s office may be able to help you understand your coverage.
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Get Back to Living with Varithena

When it comes to treating varicose veins and getting back to the activities you love, there’s a new, nearly painless way. Varithena is a gentle microfoam treatment delivered in as few as 1-2 needle sticks. Patients reporting pain at the injection or application site in clinical trials was 4.0%.1 For most people, Varithena improves both physical symptoms related to varicose veins, and their appearance.
This fast, minimally invasive treatment allows you to do something about your varicose veins your way—with little to no downtime. Please note that you should not be treated with Varithena if you’re allergic to polidocanol or have clots in your blood vessels.

Swollen, Large, Twisted Veins Take a Toll

Living with vein problems can greatly affect your life, physically and emotionally. Symptoms can impact your sleep and work, your self-esteem and limit your ability to exercise and do the activities you enjoy. And if you’re like many people, you might assume that you have to put up with painful, unsightly varicose veins because they run in your family.
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